Internal communication, information and family events

In the beginning of each event planning process our biggest motivation is to see a successful result and it’s positive effect on the society, corporations and our clients.

Internal communication

More often than not employers put all their emphasis on what they look like and forget about their employees. However people are who make the company – when the employees are happy, content and motivated it shows to the customers and one prerequisite for success is guaranteed.

Internal communication can be carried out in various ways. One of the most important ways is different motivational events. Even though a salary raise always helps to motivate, it is usually short sighted if everything else is lacking.

A well organized motivational event guarantees content, insures that employees get a boost to continue daily at their desk. These events can be very diversified. A day or a weekend can be spent with trainings, workshops, entertainment or you can take another direction – plan an event that is not connected to the work you do, but directly linked to teamwork as an essential part of a happy environment.

Oluline oleks, et kasu lõikaksid nii töötajad, kui ka tööandjad.

Information days

Sometimes you get a feeling that you do your thing well, but nobody seems to understand why your actions matter. Information days are a perfect way to solve that problem. Be it health, environment or even real estate related, all informational events can be compelling and exciting.

A well chosen venue and thorough marketing guarantee a successful event. If usually only the areas experts are involved in the event, then we can organize events where all people, who even the slightest bit feel affected by the subject, come to listen.

This gives the opportunity to reach a wider audience and spread your message even further. We help to take your thoughts and ideas to those, who need it the most!

Family events

The aim of family events is to bring teams together, lose the strict border between work and private life and give a proper motivation boost to all employees and those closest to them.

It’s not a place for trainings, but a perfect time for a fun get-together. Why not invite your valued employees to a proper family circus, where you can see faquirs, clowns and jugglers? Or put together a fun adventure to the heart of the Earth? These kinds of endeavors will be valued by the smallest and also the biggest guests. What would be better for the employer to have happy and motivated employees!

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