Colourful manor romance in Vihula
We met three years ago in Taizé village in France, when waiting in line for food. After many trips back and forth over the Atlantic ocean, we decided to start our life together and get married. When searching for the perfect location for our wedding, we considered many different destinations across the world, but finally decided to have our wedding here in Estonia. Even here, we still spent a week driving around and looking for the location. Our last stop was Vihula manor and something in that place brought up an indescribable calmness in us and we knew that it was the right place!
The process of organizing our wedding was stressful for us, because we lived in different countries with a 6-hour time difference. The best decision was to hire the wonderful team of wedding planners. They were so helpful when organizing every smallest detail and generating ideas that suited our vision of our wedding day. Organizing the wedding took only three months. Our vision of the wedding was bright and colourful. The wedding planners understood our wishes very well, making all the right decisions – the day was perfect and everything went smoothly. Even the florist was just ideal and we are still amazed, how he managed to choose exactly the right flowers and bring our vision to life flawlessly. In reality everything was even better that we had imagined.
We have looked back at that day for many times now and surprisingly there is nothing that we would change about our special day. Every detail and moment were perfectly planned. We were able to just be there and enjoy it. The highlight of the day for us and also for the guests was the ceremony and our first kiss. The purity and beauty of that moment moved many of them. Wonderful location, music and flowers created an intimate atmosphere, where everyone could feel the love of Jesus.
Our advice for the future brides and grooms who are planning their wedding is to take it easy and enjoy every moment. The most important part of marriage is not the wedding day but all the following days and years when you can enjoy its sacred beauty. It is easy to get carried away by all the little details but remember, that the people around you are way more important. As that day might have been the only day for all those people to be together, we chose to pay the most attention to our guests.