TOPAUTO is 25!

TOPAUTO is 25! 20. June 2019 On a warm summer evening we transformed the salon of TopAuto into an elegant and stylish party location.  On a red carpet, the dearest partners and clients were openly welcomed. The evening was kicked off by air acrobat Kadri Hansen, whose show caught the eye of all the guests.… Read More
Õhtujuht Tõnis Milling 90ndate stiilis meeleolukal suvisel kliendiüritusel

A spirited summer merger party

A spirited summer merger party of Ekspress Meedia and Ajakirjade Kirjastus 12. July 2018 Weddings are always a spectacular event whether it's a classical one or a spirited merger party between two companies! We had a great honour to organize a spectacular event where we celebrated the merging of Ajakirjade Kirjastus with Ekspress Meedia’s family.  … Read More

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